Monday, September 21, 2009

hmm. so was it worth it?

Left: Max considers whether or not to show me her newly pearly whites.

Below: Sam is also shy.

Above: Hmm, ok, Mom. I'm still hurt because you jabbed a poultry flavored plastic stick in my mouth, but you can stick your fingers in there one more time.

Max: Don't mistake my seething hatred of you for bashfulness.

don't forget to floss!!

Yeah, so I brushed my cats' teeth tonight. Fun!

Oh. I mean, "Ouch."

the ugly truth: sleazy fleazies

Basically, fleas are super gross and even though I bought really expensive flea, tick, and heartworm protection for my pets, and applied it a few days AFTER giving them flea baths, still they linger. (I'm hoping the treatment works better for heartworm protection...)

I'm searching for more information about this, since I really hate these stupid fleas and want them to stop biting Sam and Max but NOT COME BITE ME - EW. I find this website very informative but also covered with disgusting photos which for me is quite frankly TMI. You don't have to convince me fleas are nasty, webmaster; just tell me how to get rid of them! Luckily, they provided a list of natural solutions to the problem of fleas as well.

Fighting Fleas Naturally:

The following informs of a few natural, non-toxic ideas to help make your home, garden, and pets less appealing to fleas. These methods may not eliminate an existing problem, but will greatly assist in keeping the numbers down to a manageable level.

1. Supplement your pet's diet with Brewers Yeast and or garlic. This makes the host taste intolerable to the flea.

2. Sprinkle copious amounts of borax powder on your carpets, and leave for as long as you can. Then vacuum thoroughly. The borax draws in fluids and dries the insect out, killing it. You can mix borax and baking soda together to make a natural rug deodorizer. This is not particularly recommended but it can work.

3. Rub your legs with a natural repellent, like Citronella Oil, TeaTree Oil, Pennyroyal, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil, or Cedar Wood Oil, as they do not like these strong odors. Eating a lot of garlic is also good as a repellent but it does not only repel insects.

4. When you groom your animal brush in some of these oils diluted. Mix a drop with warm water, shake and spray onto the coat. But be warned, the fleas may avoid your pets and start attacking you. Do not rub your animal with pure essential oils as these can be very strong and cause shock and discomfort.

5. Brush / Comb your pet OUTSIDE, as often as you can with a flea comb, it gets easier the more often you do it. Grooming daily can keep you on top of the job. Use a chemical spray to kill the fleas on the comb.

6. Spread Nematodes, which is a natural flea treatment, available at garden-centers in you garden. A nematode is a colorless worm, also called a roundworm, of which there are over 10,000 species. Nematodes live in soil, fresh water, and the sea. Some are parasites of plants or animals; others feed on dead organic matter and smaller insects. See also guinea worm; hookworm; pinworm.

I'm most definitely NOT doing that last thing, but I like the other suggestions. The flea bath I used was really nice (although it didn't kill all the fleas, but it helped for a while and maybe if I vacuumed twice a day it will help for longer). It has essential oils in it and it leaves a WONDERFUL fragrance on Sam y Max! Although, when I gave the cats their very first bath they were so stressed out that Sam promptly peed in the corner of my bathroom. That was definitely him at his most pitiful--wet, skinny, big eyes, pulling out his last stop... I almost gave them baths this weekend, but then I remembered that and put it off again.

Of course, this website says that essential oils are toxic to cats. Specifically, "Although one or more applications of an essential oil product or blend may not cause immediate harm, the effects of essential oils can be cumulative and manifest themselves at a later date in the form of toxicity for which owners and vets often can find no attributable cause." Hmm, that's not good.

I certainly don't want to use chemical products. Aside from the fact that I don't want to put stuff on Sam y Max that I can't put on myself (EW), there's this EPA warning about the "safety" of such products as well.

So, that leaves me -- where? I guess I'm going to start vacuuming twice a day (awesome...). And the nutritional yeast. According to this website: For cats, a teaspoonful of yeast flakes (nutritional, not baking), and a small clove of garlic daily should be adequate.

Great! Oh, but according to one of the websites I quoted above, "Cat owners: Please be aware that raw garlic is known to be toxic to cats. According to Dr. Randy Kidd, the use of garlic, as well as onions, shallots and chives, has been shown to cause damage to feline red blood cells which can result in hemolytic anemia and eventual death. Raw garlic and onions can also cause ulcers and irritation of the mouth, esophagus and stomach."

Sigh. Who knew parenting could be so complicated? And less importantly, what am I supposed to do with all the leftovers of that yummy-smelling flea bath!?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Marley's bid for vaudeville fame. (Assisted by Troy)

Marley is a STAHR! Myeah, see?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Catbook Profiles



This is so silly. And yet I did it. I couldn't help myself...
Click on the photos above to go to their profiles.

Charity :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

cat-ku on the occasion of Sam soiling my clothing in my bathroom

Soft on my paws - whites and darks -
My favorite - brights!
- Sam

My yellow bathmat -
Why do you smell like Sam's ass?
I'm missing something.
- Max

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam or urindisgustication

Sam, Sam, Sam. Why must you so deeply hurt the one who loves you so? And most of all, why must you urinate on all of her clean clothes?! I was out of town and apparently Sam did not like it. When I got back, he was afraid I was going to leave again, I suppose, and just panicky.

There are two reasons this is especially irksome.

1) He did this the LAST time I went out of town so I had bought some OdorXit. I was really looking forward to trying it out, but I never got it and ended up getting in a fight on the phone with the owner of the company because I disputed the charge. I kind of felt bad for him, but then I was like, Um, but wait. I never got the product, jerkface. He was like "I'm out $20 because of the credit card company disputing this," and I was like, "Yeah, well I'm really sorry but I was out $50 and that wasn't ok!" So he hung up. HE HUNG UP ON ME!! So that sucked and I was not looking forward to trying again to find SOMETHING that would take CAT URINE out of my clothing. Gross. I got the Nature's Miracle because I use the litter and like it. However, the liquid smelled like the bathroom in a gas station. OxyClean seems to take out the odor, but it also takes out a layer of color. So... I'll keep trying.

2) Right before I left, I took them to the vet and gave them flea baths. This probably contributed to his being so upset, I'm aware. Since I was going to be so long, I finally replaced the cat fountain I had (now I have the PetMate one and I like it), bought them a new huge bag of food and two bags of litter, and I also had to buy a second cat carrier since I had to take both of them to the vet. While at the vet, I very optimistically (ridiculously idealistically) bought some toothpaste (mmm... poultry flavored...) and a toothbrush. Therefore, I was out approximately $460. Yay! Because I was getting ready to foolishly spend my graduation money on a bicycle.

So yes, upsetting. And yet...

He's just so sweet!!!

Why I can't hate him...

[Sniff, sniff] I JUST CAN'T QUIT YOU, SAM!!!

for those of you who don't know (originally posted 20 august 2007)

don't sleep naked with bears, no matter how drunk you are (story here).

and if you want to leash train your cat, you can find directions at this website. I'm trying, but I can't find a harness big enough for Max and Sam is afraid of the outdoors. It's been frustrating.

(picture from above website)

charity :)

what the cats have been up to lately (originally posted 20 january 2007)

i made sam and max a foraging toy, at the recommendation of the experts in Cat Fancy magazine. i think people are inclined to think about pets as roommates, or something, but they are actually little hunters, and have natural predatory instincts. outdoor cats, like cats in the wild, are able to spend much of their time hunting, which keeps their brain occupied and their instincts active. indoor cats, on the other hand, get bored indoors, and restless. sometimes they feel the urge to hunt, but since most indoor cats have relatively few things to actually "hunt" indoors, this usually results in more time eating, thus many indoor cats are overweight. one way to encourage them to exercise, and to give them some other way to respond to this hunting impulse besides stuffing their faces, is to make foraging toys for them.

since sam is naturally very active and inquisitive, and since max is naturally very hungry and currently overweight, i thought i would try it. i took a paper towel roll and cut holes slightly larger than their food in it. i poured a bit of their normal food in the roll and stuffed little drinking cups in the ends. at first, sam and max were not really interested in it, but now they love it! when it is empty, they will push it around with their paws and/or sit by it, looking sideways up at me, waiting for me to fill it. i especially make sure it is full at night (they stay in the living room at night) so they have something to do (ben made so much fun of me when i told him i was going to post this, by the way. i know it's dorky, but anyone who reads this blog knows my cats are my babies). this is a link to an excerpt of the cat fancy story, and here is another intresting story relevant to the topic. below is a picture of max with her new "toy".

ben sent me an octopus before he moved to portland. i sleep with it at night, but wake up scared of it.he knows i am scared of them, but i think this was his way of trying to help me overcome. anyway, sam also likes it.

the dynamic duo:

charity :)

very early november in photos (originally posted 13 december 2006)

above:part of a study of shapes and textures.
below: sam the pawlicker.

above: max the maximum.
below: close inspection.

by special request, sam and max (originally posted 16 October 2006)

sometimes, they are the most boring cats in the world.

sam and max (not) doing interesting things. i swear they were playing with this thing earlier.

max kneading while i talk on the phone.

cats update (originally posted 29 September 2006)

sam and max concerned about the cable guy in the other room.

max and i are reading the reptile room, soon to begin the wide window.

sam chasing his tail.

"i am testing my new camera" or "about us." (orginally posted 5 August 2006)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This is Sam.
d.o.b. August 2004

Sam likes: playing with his toy carrot, catnip, sleeping inside the couch, max, charity, chips of any kind, but especially white corn tortilla, pizza crusts, playing with and snacking on big roaches and spiders from outside, sleeping, watching squirrels and the days pass from the window sill, watching cartoons for short periods of time, watching charity and max.
Sam dislikes: flea medicine applied to his neck, cat treats.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This is Max.
d.o.b. early 2002

Max likes: deli-slice treats from Purina, catnip, control, comforting charity and sam when she feels like it, sleeping undisturbed.
Max dislikes: everything else.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This is Charity.
d.o.b. 13 September 1977

Charity likes: tv on dvd, listening to music, non-smoking bars, big skies, camping, finishing things, her bed linens, cooking, her family and going home for the holidays (especially when karaoke is involved), sitting on the porch in the rain, sam and max, photography, travelling, board games, going to the movies, amusement parks, planetariums, science centers, aquariums, museums, and such, reading, getting things for free, having her hair and nails done.
Charity dislikes: people not using their turn signals, people who flip her off, loud talking and big crowds, driving in the rain, summers in atlanta, going to the mall, and being sick.

little things i will miss about my apartment i am noticing as i pack. (originally posted 13 June 2006)

. i park in a reserved spot behind the building. when i lean forward to put on my shoes after parking at night, the yellow light from a street light shines to me through the leaves of overhanging trees. once there was a spider web in the leaves, made by a spider so big i could see it from many yards away. when it rains, the light reflects off all the droplets of water that fall on my windshield.

. my cats love chasing each other through the several big rooms, and sitting on the wide ledges of the third floor windows watching the squirrels and birds living in communities among the tall trees outside.

. we have a huge closet in our living room where we can store big boxes and winter coats and unused office chairs that we have accumulated spmehow. the litter box is also there, which means we don't have to have it in a room where living occurs.

. at night i can close my door and let the cats play outside in the rest of the apartment. max has a sparkly blue ball that she for some reason loves intensely. she will wake me up some nights talking to it. she will somehow (she never plays fetch) bring it to my door and sit in front of it begging it to throw itself. i come out and put the ball on the built in shelves in the hallway and she goes about her business as if nothing happened.

. there is so much light in our apartment. green light, since it shines through the trees. we have a screened in back porch with a rocking chair outside and when the weather is pleasant in the fall and spring we can leave the screen door and windows open and a nice breeze blows through (spreading pollen in its wake, admittedly). the cats love sitting on the porch. they spread out in the sun or lounge underneath the little table we have out there. i enjoy sitting in the rocking chair with my feet on the table and max or sam underneath.

. we have a little space behind the back door where we can keep our recycling until we find time to take it out.

. we have beautiful hardwood floors. big rooms hardwood floors = perfect linedancing conditions. mahsa has set up speakers all over the living room that we can plug our ipods into making a beautiful musical paradise.

. my bathroom has a huge pedastal sink and original black and white tiles, with a very deep porcelain tub underneath a window.

. we have a lovely walk-in pantry.

. last summer we painted the kitchen a lovely pale green. it was a lot of work and the apartment was filled with fumes for weeks, even though we left the windows open so it was hot as hades, but our kitchen looks great. it was worth the trouble. and the painting part was fun.

. mahsa.

there will be good things about the new apartment, and i look forward to finding these things out. i am pretty anxious about it, though, because my landlord kind of made it sound like we would have to kick out the current tenant on the 30th. this makes me nervous, but i'm not above doing it. i do not want to sleep on the highway.

charity :)

ps-now, off to work on my dissertation...

Ode to Max (originally posted 16 April 2006)

Max escaped last weekend. She fled through the back door sometime Sunday. It was Monday night before I realized she was missing.

Our door sometimes blows open on windy days if unlocked. I noticed it standing open on Sunday, and secured it, thinking how lucky it was that I noticed it before a cat did. Honestly, I didn't even notice that she was gone.

She has gotten out before; in the past, I have left the back door open when I went down the back stairs to the basement to do my laundry. Once she pushed open the screen door and I caught her on the landing. Another time I didn't notice she had escaped but I found her within the hour, two floors below looking bewildered and lost, searching the closed doors for her home.

This time, it took a little longer. Sam was trying to tell me, I think. He was exceptionally loud and talkative. I think in hindsight that he was attempting to alert me to her absence. What all his talking did, though, was distract me and prevent me from realizing that Max, who is always quiet and aloof, was actually gone.

Monday night, panic struck as I stood in the bathroom doorway looking down at Sam, who was yet again yowling.

"Good night, Sam," I impatiently responded to his yowling. That was when I noticed.

In my nightgown, I began searching the apartment, looking in her usual spots and calling her name. At this point, though, I knew she was gone. I asked my roommate if she had seen her, but she couldn't remember either. I went out the back door, remembering finding it open over the weekend, and panic started bubbling around in my tummy like indigestion.

I called as I walked all the way downstairs, where I knew she had to be. Unless she got outside, I thought and stopped myself, remembering finding Rocky out in the road two days before being approached by his panicked owner searching for him. "We just moved here," she said, visibly distraught. "I'm really worried. He doesn't know the neighborhood." I had to give her a box to carry him home and I remembered watching her walk away, stooped and bent with the weight of loss that is unique to losing a pet.

I pushed the memory out of my mind and continued calling Max. I thought I heard her collar jingling. Afraid I was hallucinating, I called to her again and walked to where I thought I had heard it. There were stacks of boxes I hadn't seen before. Someone new must have moved in, I thought to myself. I wonder who it is?

Just then, I saw a little black head pop up over the top of the boxes. The white fur on the corner of her mouth looked like drool and her white whiskers stuck out like fresh highlighter in a dusty old book. Max looked at me with panic and desperation and immediately began trying to figure out how to get to me. She looked down and around her, finally jumping up on top of the boxes. I reached over and picked up her full-figured cat body and she laid against me, purring, as I purred over her and carried her home.

Max does not behave this way, normally. When I first met Max, she was walking around the neighborhood, meowing loudly with the desperation and determination of a female cat in heat. She was so small, though, I thought surely she wasn't in heat already. I was in the process of moving out of that apartment, and hated to leave her. She would come up to the porch when I came out of the door. She would meow to me and rub against my legs. The thing that really endeared her to me was how she would lean against my legs with her whole body while I pet her, and then fall on my feet in purrs.

I took her with me when I moved and she seemed happy and grateful to be an indoor kitty. She seemed content to sit in the windows and doors watching the leaves blow and the squirrels play in the trees behind my building. She and my other cat developed a tentative bond that lasted until he became very ill, finally passing away. Max refused to go in the room with him the last couple of days, but sat outside the door watching him with alarm as he struggled to breathe.

She is a very loyal companion, but she can be very hard to love. She likes to be petted, but not by everyone. She has specific ideas of how and how long she likes being petted, and if you are not in on this, she will attempt to draw you in line by pawing at you or snapping. Most people figure it's not worth the effort.

When I brought her in from her two-day basement adventure, though, she was so happy, she let me pet her for while, my way, even, and she even rolled over on my feet the way she used to do when she first won my heart. I was so happy and relieved to have her home.

My mom once told me "Charity, the thing is, people fall in love with you so easily. You're funny, you're smart, you're beautiful. But then..." In my mind and memory, she trails off and looks out the window, pondering why it is that I'm so alone, confused at this conundrum. The truth is, I pretty much blocked out what she said next, because it was something like "but then you make it impossible for them to love you."

I know that's true, though. I value my independence highly, but I always want to know what everyone else is up to. An analogy for you gamblers out there: I want to know what cards all the people at the table are holding before I reveal my own.

So I really like Max. And maybe it's partly because I have put all my issues onto her, but I like to think that we see eye to eye on things somehow. Sometimes she sits in the window when I'm working, never looking at me, but never leaving the room. Sometimes she sits on the end of my bed, on a little folded blanket covered in black cat hair, placed there in a surprisingly successful attempt to limit her contact with my down comforter and the afghan my grandmother made that I have thrown over it. She will just sit peacefully, napping or looking out thin slits of eyes at something only she sees. Sam usually comes up to her at some point and she will lick his head with motherly affection before hopping down and moving to a new place where she can settle down undisturbed, leaving Sam her vacated spot to do with what he pleases.

I really love Sam. There is something very special about a little kitty who talks constantly and always wants to play, and who sits right in front of you looking up with big eyes waiting for you to get him whatever treat he is thinking of at that moment. But sometimes I just want to be left alone. And that's when I appreciate Max, who loves me anyway and is happy to oblige. I guess the downside to this type of independence is that few people notice when you're gone. When I finally noticed Max was missing, I wondered how long it would take people to notice if I disappeared one day.

Max and I do things our own ways. I once read that Virgos such as myself like domestic animals because we can take care of them and control them; apparently we like the fact that our pets depend on us. This makes us feel in control and we are comforted by this. I thought that was very interesting. But I think the thing I like about Max is that she depends on me, but maintains her independence in spite of this. She is independently dependent.

She reminds me of myself.