Published: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 6:57 PM
Updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 8:31 PM
Joseph Rose, The Oregonian
Oregon State Police regularly send out bulletins about criminals on the run.
But Tuesday, the state's largest police agency took the unusual step of issuing a "missing cat" alert.
One reason not to drive with a cat crawling around your car: It might want to curl up under your feet at 55 mph.
"I tried to stop her," Spady, 21, said, "and I took my eyes off the road."
Spady said the cat refuses to travel in a carrier. Headed home from Ashland, she had been on the road for four hours and was just two miles from her parents' house when the sport utility vehicle swerved into a ditch, rolled and struck a tree just before 8 p.m.
Calysta, wearing a purple collar with a bell, bolted from the crash scene, vanishing into the forest near milepost 52.
"The family has been out looking for the cat," said Lt. Gregg Hastings, an OSP spokesman. "I offered to help."
Spady's right arm and head are gashed and bruised. Her 1993 Explorer is totaled. But she misses her cat -- adopted at a Medford animal shelter -- more than her car.
Now, she's waiting to hear from someone who has seen Calysta: 503-324-0301.
Editor's Note: This EXACT thing happened to my Michelle. Seriously. Cats hate cars and will do anything to sabotage one. Do NOT take "I refuse to ride in a carrier" for an excuse! They MUST BE RESTRAINED AT ALL TIMES! They may look cute, but they are not to be trusted.
This entry inspired by links sent by Troy, who probably loves My Michelle's cat more than My Michelle does. And with good reason, as he has never been in a car-totaling and catching on fire, 70-mph on a major interstate free-for-all. Seriously. Restrain them.
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