Tuesday, January 26, 2010

next task: cat bed?

Well, since I mentioned the red satin cat bed, I can't get cat beds off the brain. Yes, it's a strange world. I bought a desk calendar that has different sewing patterns for each day (it's really cool), and one of them was for a pet bed. Cute! And why not?

Since I couldn't find that particular pattern online, I'm going to leave you with a pattern for a cat bed (yes, cat specific please, thank-you-very-much) posted on craftgrrl, which is a really fun site.

Click on the photo for the pattern and directions.

Have fun!

Monday, January 25, 2010

wet food.

My cats are definitely driving me closer and closer to the poor house (that reminds me of Dickens: I'm imagining myself in the poor house, dirty and overworked, teeth falling out, hair matted, volminous skirt tattered and worn, while Sam and Max sit on freshly fluffed red satin pillows eating freshly prepared fine cuts of meat).

It's just, they absolutely adore Weruva. And how can I deprive them of such health and happiness?

Don't forget to throw a coin in my cup as you pass me by...